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$100 Rx SAVINGS: MedChoice Member Michael G.’s Story

iCan MedChoice member Michael G. is a strapping 30 year old. He eats right and works out several times a week. Yet, despite his vim and vigor, Michael contracted shingles in March –a painful skin rash that older adults are often afflicted with.

"At first my back was just really itchy," said Michael. "I thought maybe I was having a reaction to working out and perspiring. But, by day two I knew something was awry. If someone at home or work brushed up against me - even in the slightest – they might as well have been scratching me with razor blades."

According to Michael, a trip to the ER early that evening was in order as his pain increased and his rash spread from his back to his midriff. "After they diagnosed me, they gave me what seemed like a fistful of directions and prescriptions. I was prescribed acyclovir (an antiviral), Calamine lotion (a topical), and for pain, tramadol and gabapentin. It was a tall order with a $150 plus price tag according to the Pharmacist at Target, but truth be told, I was hurting so badly, I almost didn’t care."

"Reason prevailed at checkout, however, and when I handed the Pharmacist my MedChoice Rx Savings card, even he was like whoa, you just saved $100 for using that, which brings me back to why I signed up for MedChoice in the first place, and why I called iCan the other week to tell them my story. It may sound mundane, but that $100 savings paid my April electric bill. I guess what I’m trying to say is that every little bit helps, so thanks."

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