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How to Avoid Newlywed Weight Gain

For weeks, you both hit the gym and ate clean. You did whatever it took to fit into your wedding dress and him his tailored tux. Then, on your honeymoon, you went nuts. You ate anything and everything that appealed to your wedded bliss senses. Why not? You were on vacation after all - and "wink wink" - you were burning off plenty of calories together! But, now you're home and all you want to do is snuggle on the couch with one another. HBO is hosting a Game of Thrones marathon and your sweat pants are toasty warm because they just came out of the dryer. Welcome to what some refer to as being happily married, and the potential onset of the "Newlywed 9."

Diagnosis: Love Muffinitis

Married couples, as opposed to their single counterparts, have a tendency to become homebodies and can get quite comfortable basking in the glow of their TV. In turn, this trend can contribute to what we call Love Muffinitis, a common condition that can afflict newlyweds universally. To thwart it, it will take effort on behalf of both partners to ensure that neither gets too soft or squishy after tying the knot and according to The Nest, here's how...

7 Tips & Tricks to Combat the Newlywed 9

1) Partner up with your spouse and motivate each other. Plan your entertainment, meals, and workouts as a couple and motivate each other when you're having a tough or lazy day.

2) Try something new. Never took a spin or Pilates class? Never gone cross-country skiing or hiking? Surprise your bodies and learn something new together to keep things fun and your fitness on track.

3) Respect your partner's workout schedule. Even if you're not a morning person, pulling her back into bed to get some morning cuddling in isn't going to help her if she's looking to get a run in before work.

4) Don't complain about the time suck. Yeah, you'd prefer if your partner came straight home after work, but making him feel guilty about putting in an extra hour at the gym will only deter him from going.

5) Choose healthy restaurants for date night. Sure, almost every restaurant serves a side dish. Keep each other in line by opting for places with plenty of delicious (and relatively low-calorie) items to choose from.

6) Choose workouts by your personality type. Are you two the outdoorsy type? Try biking, or hiking. If you're both easy going, maybe yoga will be your healthy Zen. Love to bicker? Try kickboxing or traditional boxing.

7) Reward yourselves when you stick to resolutions with something free or inexpensive that makes you both happy and inspires you to look and feel good. Maybe it's a combined personal training session or a mini fitness vacation together.

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