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How the Cost of Insurance Changes According to Your Health

Many people do not realize that the cost of their health insurance coverage is directly related to their health. Someone who is 20 years old, has no family history of cancer, doesn't smoke and is a healthy body weight will pay far less for medical coverage than someone who is 60, smokes regularly and is obese. If you are unsure of what the cost of insurance health care might be for you personally, then discover how the cost of insurance can change depending on various factors related to health and aging.

Body Weight and Medical Risks

One of the biggest risk factors is that of weight and body mass index. Although there is some debate as to how effective the body mass index chart is for insurance providers, the fact remains that being obese puts you at a higher risk for diabetes and heart conditions, among many other ailments. If you want to reduce your health insurance costs, reducing your body fat can go a long way if you are already in the obese category with a body mass index of 30 or more.

Age and the Cost Insurance Health

It should not come as a surprise to learn that older adults have more medical problems and expenses than those who are young adults. Unfortunately, there is no way to turn back the clock, but you can get insured early on in life. Having medical insurance at an early age can help you to stay healthier and pay less for it as a senior citizen.

The Role of Gender

Women, on average, can expect to pay more in medical insurance coverage than men. Since women have the additional costs associated with childbirth, this makes sense. In addition, women are more likely to visit their doctors and take prescriptions, which further increases the average cost.

Fitness, Careers and Lifestyles

Aside from age, gender and weight, there are many controllable things that you can change to better your health and to reduce your insurance costs. By staying active and exercising regularly, you will enjoy lower blood pressure and a healthier overall weight. By avoiding risky behaviors, smoking or dangerous career choices, you can further reduce your coverage costs.

There are a number of different factors that can affect your health insurance coverage costs. While some things are out of your control, you can take action in terms of nutrition and activity level, as well as eliminate risk factors like smoking, to be as healthy as possible and pay the lowest possible fees.

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