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The Most Unusual Medical Conditions: Foreign Accent Syndrome? Say What?


If it seems as though you sometimes experience bizarre medical symptoms, it is likely nothing compared to some people who have been diagnosed with truly unusual medical conditions.

Foreign Accent Syndrome

Traumatic brain injury can be responsible for a host of problems. In some cases, those problems might include waking up and speaking with a completely foreign accent. This rather bizarre event can be the result of surviving a stroke or some other event that causes significant damage to the brain. Foreign Accent Syndrome occurs when parts of the brain that are responsible for speech become damaged. The area of the brain that takes care of coordinating muscles when speaking may also be affected. As a result, the way the individual pronounces consonants and vowels can be altered. This can cause changes in the way the person positions their tongue while speaking as well as the cadence of their speech. Now, this certainly does not mean that you would become suddenly bilingual following brain injury, but it can result in what may sound like a foreign accent to others. Currently, there is no known cure for this condition. Speech therapy, which may be covered by some health insurance policies, may prove to be helpful to a degree.

Werewolf Syndrome

Do werewolves really exist? Perhaps not outside of horror films, but some people do suffer from a condition known as hypertrichosis. This condition, which results in hair growing in abnormal places, can produce the appearance of a werewolf. In the case of hypertrichosis, the effected individual may grow hair on their hands, forehead, or cheeks. One of the most interesting aspects of this condition is that various levels can exist. For instance, some people may only experience an overgrowth of hair in isolated areas of the body while others can be affected on their entire bodies. In the past, individuals with this condition were sometimes participants in carnivals and sideshows. It is believed that this condition may be the result of a reaction to certain types of steroids or medications. When hypertrichosis is the result of an underlying medical condition, it is important for that condition to be treated in order for the overgrowth of hair to be treated. Other treatment options do exist, including electrolysis and waxing.


Throughout history, civilization has searched for the secret to longevity. While scientists have yet to discover a magical fountain of youth, they are working hard to unlock the secrets of one puzzling condition. Progeria results in premature aging. Children born with this condition will often appear to be quite healthy as babies. Even during the first year of life, there may be no indications of a problem. However, by the time the child turns two, symptoms of advanced aging often begin. Children with this disease may begin to display thinning hair and resemble elderly adults when they are in fact just toddlers. Affected children may also begin to experience a variety of different infirmities and diseases associated with aging, such as age spots, loss of body fat, and hardened arteries. Children with this disease are also at a higher risk for stroke and heart disease. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death among children suffering from progeria. The average life expectancy for children with this disease is just 13. 

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