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The Pawsitives of Pet Ownership

For many of us, our pets are part of the family. They are our companions…our best friends! They are also calming stress fighters - despite the shenanigans they may delve into here and there - so it’s no wonder that spending time with them can have a positive impact on both our mood and health.

In fact, research shows that petting and/or walking your furry friend can lower your blood pressure. The end result: a healthier heart.

Well Being Benefits

Since pets can give us a sense of belonging and meaning, the other benefits of pet ownership are reflected in us, their human counterparts. Some of these findings include:

  • People with pets are generally happier
  • People with pets are more trusting
  • People with pets tend to be less lonely than those who do not have pets
  • People with pets are inclined to visit the doctor less often for minor problems

Children and Pets – More Than Just Playmates

Other advantages to pet ownership extends to our brood and beyond. For example, babies that are raised in a household with pets may be less likely to get allergies and asthma, as they are exposed to dander and hair on a daily basis. And, when it comes to school, studies have proven that kids tend to relate better to their classmates and other children – including those with autism - when there is some kind of pet present in the classroom.

Pet Assure®

All in all, the health returns on rearing a pet far exceed a life lived without some kind of furry or scaly love. Therefore, keeping them safe and sound goes without questioning. To assist you with that responsibility, the iCan Med Choice plan has partnered with Pet Assure® to help you keep your pets in their prime! As a member, you and ALL of the pets in your household can enjoy the following benefits:

1) Receive 25% off medical services from participating veterinarians in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. There are no deductibles or claim forms to fuss with and remember, no pet will ever be excluded! You can enroll any pet, at any age, and in any health condition - even those with pre-existing conditions.

2) Receive 10%-30% off on pet supplies and specialty items from thousands of participating merchants and service providers nationwide!

3) Free enrollment in their 24/7 Pet Assistance Locator Service (PALS Tag). This recovery service has reunited thousands of lost pets with their families. For more information on the iCan Med Choice Plan with Pet Assure® benefits, call 1-877-643-6586 today!

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