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Short Term Health Insurance Plans - How They Work

 You're no doubt already aware that health insurance is an essential part of your personal safety net. By carrying an affordable and robust health insurance policy at all times, you ensure that you won't deplete your family's financial reserves by seeking medical care for an illness or injury. 

The Short Term Option

If you're currently uninsured and anticipate needing coverage for a period of six months to a year, short term health insurance might be right for you. This type of health insurance will allow you to go about your daily routine without fear of incurring ruinous medical bills after sustaining a serious injury or being diagnosed with a life-changing illness.

Temporary health insurance plans are surprisingly affordable and can be tailored to your individual needs. It's important to note that many temporary plans make provisions for insured parties who have pre-existing medical conditions. In other words, you might still be able to obtain a temporary policy without paying an arm and a leg for it.

What It Covers

Temporary health insurance plans cover a range of injuries and illnesses. Depending upon the exact terms of the individual plan, temporary coverage typically lasts for up to a year. Once this period expires, you may have the option to renew or rework your plan. 

Temporary insurance may not cover the cost of preventive care, routine clinic visits and prescription medication. Instead, it's designed to shoulder expenses associated with major medical emergencies like some life-threatening illnesses and grave injuries. These serious events often require extended hospital stays that can prove costly for regular folks.

Costs and Benefits

Many people who face a temporary period of lapsed insurance coverage choose to take their chances and remain uninsured for its duration. They argue that this is cheaper and simpler than finding a temporary health insurance plan.

Unfortunately, life is full of surprises. Even if you're perfectly healthy and don't anticipate falling ill or being injured, you can't completely discount the possibility of experiencing a random injury or unexpected medical problem that requires a costly hospital stay. To ensure that your family will remain financially secure after such an event, you'll need to obtain a temporary health insurance policy. Your peace of mind may depend on it.

Short term health insurance is just one of the many useful types of health insurance plans that may be available to you. If you're uninsured and want to obtain coverage on a temporary basis, you owe it to yourself and your family to investigate your options.

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Affordable health insurance with iCan

Welcome to the official iCan website, where our mission is to provide you with a wide variety of affordable health coverage options. We offer major medical plans that are fully compliant with the Affordable Care Act, supplemental insurance plans, non-insured benefit programs to help you lead a healthier life, and much more. Our goal is to help you find a plan that fits your budget. Our Licensed Agents will help you make a smart choice about your insurance coverage, and then help you get the most out of your benefits once you’ve made a selection.

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