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Even with the new insurance marketplace promised by the Affordable Care Act, finding good health insurance plans is still high on the to-do list of many Americans. The new health care laws only stipulate provisions for essential minimum coverage, which may not be sufficient for all individuals. Furthermore, the Act's personal responsibility rules state that you may have to pick and enroll in a plan on your own. It's important to make a choice that actually takes care of your needs without costing too much.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 23:27
by Alexander Radcliffe
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Elaine K. Sanchez of Caregiver Help Radio recently interviewed iCan's Michael Bertrand about the changes the Affordable Care Act has made to all healthcare insurance policies and the laws that regulate them. Michael Bertrand effectively explains the difference between buying your insurance through the federal and state marketplaces and private insurance brokers. He also explains the different types of policies available to consumers and the income levels and policies that are eligible for government subsidies.

Monday, October 21, 2013 - 21:00
by Alexander Radcliffe
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Finding affordable health insurance for diabetics can be a particularly daunting task. Because the disease is categorized as a pre-existing condition, insurance carriers often charge diabetics with much higher rates, or even worse, refuse them coverage completely. This is a problematic situation for patients who need assistance paying for supplies such as insulin, test strips and meters.

Monday, October 21, 2013 - 02:01
by Alexander Radcliffe
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When applying for health insurance, people with a previously diagnosed illness or health issue, commonly known as a pre-existing condition, face different choices. A list of pre-existing conditions includes but is not limited to chronic illnesses like diabetes, asthma, fibromyalgia and arthritis.

Friday, October 18, 2013 - 00:18
by Alexander Radcliffe
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In the last part of our 3 part series, we explore the mandates that are involved with the Affordable Care Act as well as how they may affect your search for affordable health insurance. We hope that these tips have helped you find the plan that works best for your needs and your budget!

7. Look at a plan’s network of doctors and hospitals

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 21:00
by Alexander Radcliffe
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All too often, families with low incomes mistakenly believe that they can get by without health insurance. In reality, it is precisely those families with low incomes that need health insurance coverage the most. In an emergency, you may not have the necessary funds to pay for medical bills, doctor's visits, prescriptions or emergency treatment, but having one of the many iCan health plans for low income families can help.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 23:43
by Alexander Radcliffe
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In the second part of our three-part series on the ten tips for health insurance purchasers, we'll be exploring three changes to our nation's healthcare system that may or may not benefit you. Regardless of where you decide to shop for health insurance, it's important that you keep these facts in mind so you don't end up purchasing coverage you may not need. 

4. No more denials or cancellations due to health problems

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 21:00
by Alexander Radcliffe
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3 Important Things Science Has Proven About Losing Weight

We all know how intimidating diets can be, especially if you’ve lived with extra weight for some time. To make matters worse, most people have an extremely busy schedule that makes the recommended hour of daily exercise required almost impossible to complete.

Monday, October 14, 2013 - 21:00
by Alexander Radcliffe
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With the recent opening of the Affordable Care Act's health insurance Marketplaces and the current government shutdown, shopping for health insurance may be a bit intimidating. Whether you decide to use a state or the federal Marketplace, or shop for insurance on your own, it's important that you know how our current healthcare system and future changes will affect your coverage. In the first of this 3 part series, we'll give you 3 tips for purchasing health insurance.

1. Talk with a licensed agent

Monday, October 14, 2013 - 21:00
by Alexander Radcliffe
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Choosing the right individual health insurance plan is overwhelming on its own, but deciding on a low-cost option can be even tougher. Before you begin exploring the world of low-cost coverage, read through the advice here; it might just save you a little money and a lot of hassle. 

Friday, October 11, 2013 - 15:27
by Alexander Radcliffe
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Welcome to the official iCan website, where our mission is to provide you with a wide variety of affordable health coverage options. We offer major medical plans that are fully compliant with the Affordable Care Act, supplemental insurance plans, non-insured benefit programs to help you lead a healthier life, and much more. Our goal is to help you find a plan that fits your budget. Our Licensed Agents will help you make a smart choice about your insurance coverage, and then help you get the most out of your benefits once you’ve made a selection.

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