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Click on the link below. A NJ man was charged $8200, basically for just having his finger bandaged! Accidents happen and we all know that hospital bills can be ridiculously expensive!

Call us today to learn more about Health Advocacy Services that can review and negotiate medical bills for you.

Thursday, August 14, 2014 - 07:45
by Kathleen Berzon
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Tired of cooking the same old hotdogs and hamburgers every weekend? If so, consider modifying your summer fare by grilling up some delicious Pork Chops in their place! Low in carbs and high in protein, pork chops are an ideal alternative to the typical beef products you’ll see at any given BBQ. Searching for a great side that’s healthier than a loaded baked potato? Then, change things up by coupling your pork chops with maple syrup sweet potatoes instead.

Friday, July 25, 2014 - 11:46
by Kathleen Berzon
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According to The American College of Sports Medicine, humans should drink water before, during and after any activity to maintain healthy hydration. Here are some other helpful tips they suggest to keep your body functioning at its prime via the power of H20: 

Friday, July 25, 2014 - 11:45
by Kathleen Berzon
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Q: I don’t like my current health insurance and want to switch. I’m being told I can’t right now. Why is that?   Melissa F. – Wilmington, DE

Friday, July 25, 2014 - 11:37
by Kathleen Berzon
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You’re the only one at the BBQ swatting mosquitoes and gnats. You feel crazed and look like a lunatic with flailing arms, yet the rest of your peers are sitting pretty, sipping their drinks calmly and collectedly. So, why is it that apparently they only want to swarm you? Is it your scent that they’re attracted to, your “sweet blood,” or perhaps the pattern on your shirt?

The Skinny on Skin

Friday, July 25, 2014 - 11:32
by Kathleen Berzon
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During the summertime months it's not unusual for most of us to enjoy the outdoors and be more active. But, whether we're gardening, swimming, walking or playing sports, we must remember that it's essential to consume ample amounts of water to ward off various health risks associated with the heat. There's no if's and's or but's about it; if we don't keep our bodies properly hydrated, then we can open ourselves up to detrimental conditions such as:

Thursday, July 24, 2014 - 10:03
by Kathleen Berzon
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Courtesy of the Food Network

While some restaurant chicken Caesars can be chock-full of ingredients and a heavy dressing, this recipe is simple and easy. It's tossed with a light yogurt-based dressing and finished with better-for-you chicken breasts.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 09:40
by Kathleen Berzon
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Throughout life we've all heard mixed messages about the sun's damaging rays and how we may or may not be affected by them. The sun CANNOT affect your skin while driving. The sun CAN affect your skin while driving. The theories counter one another endlessly. And, while some stick steadfast to those that they've learned since early childhood, WebMD is taking numerous sun myths to task in their True/False Quiz below.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 09:31
by Kathleen Berzon
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When Jay discovered that a momma cat had given birth to a litter of kitties, in his next door neighbor's car engine no less, he instinctually knew that a rescue would be in order. "My girlfriend and I took one look at those little fur babies in our neighbor's driveway and we knew we were going to be "cat parents" for the first time," said Jay. "We also knew that we wanted to adopt two of them, but we really didn't know what we were supposed to do once we took them home. As first time pet owners, we were pretty clueless."

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 08:32
by Kathleen Berzon
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My son is turning 27 in 2 months and needs to get his own health insurance. Can you please help me tell him what to do?" Kathy M. - St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 07:35
by Kathleen Berzon
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